Co-operative Supermarkets Australia Limited (CSA) is an incorporated co-operative formed in late 2019 whose members operate independent supermarket, liquor retail and convenience stores. CSA has authorisation to collectively bargain with suppliers of goods and services to the Australian grocery industry.
CSA has negotiated exclusive merchant services pricing with Live Payments that leverages strategic merchant rates that CSA has negotiated directly with the card schemes.
Key Strengths
- Refer Live Payments profile page.
Useful Links
Merchant Services
In-Store Payments
Refer to the Live Payments profile page.
Online Payments
Refer to the Live Payments profile page.
Tools & FAQs
How to Apply
If you find Co-operative Supermarkets Australia Limited (CSA) pricing offered via Live Payments to be the most suitable for your business, please send an email to Phil Saunders, Head of Operations at CSA using the email wording below. Attach the CSA Merchant Services Pricing Report from us and cc pricing@paymentsconsulting.com in your email.
Email address: philsaunders@coopsupermarkets.com.au
Hi Phil,
We have been referred to by Payments Consulting Network after using their Merchant Advisory Pricing Comparison Service. Please see attached the Live Payments (CSA Member) Merchant Services Pricing Report they have provided to us. We would gladly appreciate your response regarding the next steps so that we can commence the application process to become a member of CSA and apply for the payments facility with Live Payments.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.